domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016



  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the past. Then watch the video and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

a)    Mr Bean ________________________ (be) at the park. (    )
b)    Two men  ________________________ (be) with him on the park bench. (    )
c)    He ________________________ (take) out some bread to make a sandwich. (    )
d)    He ________________________ (drink) some coffee. (    )
e)    He ________________________ (get) some chicken from the inside pocket of his jacket. (    )
f)     The man who ________________________ (sit) next to Mr Bean ________________________ (give) him a sandwich. (    )
g)    The man ________________________ (stop) eating to help Mr Bean make his sandwich. (    )
h)    Mr. Bean ________________________ (have) some fish in a jar. (    )

  1. Write the verbs in the past and watch the video again. Put the sentences below in the correct order.

a)    ...……. He ___________________________ (take) out some butter.
b)    ………. He ___________________________ (get) some bread from inside his jacket.
c)    ………. He ___________________________ (make) some tea.
d)    ………. He___________________________ (put) the lettuce in a sock.
e)    ………. He ___________________________ (drink) some milk.
f)     ………. He ___________________________ (wash) the lettuce.
g)    ………. He ___________________________ (see) the man eating a sandwich.
h)   ………. He ___________________________ (use) his credit card to spread the butter.
i)     ………. He ___________________________ (cut) two slices of bread.
j)      ………. He ___________________________ (eat) the sandwich.
k)    ………. He ___________________________ (drop) his sandwich
l)……......... He ___________________________ (hit) the fish on the bench.

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